A lot of people are skeptical when I tell them that I went from a 1.7 GPA to straight A's in 30 days. Some of them think I’m flat out lying. You might even be thinking the same right now. ..
I get it. I know it sounds kinda hard to believe but stay with me a minute and I’ll explain exactly how I did it.
See a lot of people see the successful surgeon I am today they tend to think I was super gifted or loved to study. Nope… I was a bad student at best and I found studying really, like reaaallly HARD. I know a lot of people out there feel the same too.
I wanted to go to med school so I knew I had to get better at studying. I found it so hard to focus, concentrate and stay motivated, that it got to the point where I was just fed up with the struggle. I knew there HAD to be an easier way.
It was then I started to test all sorts of different “study hacks.” Some were a waste of time or too complicated but I eventually found 3 main concepts that I call the core “study hacks” that was like flipping a switch in my brain.
It’s because of the core study hack concepts I started to get straight A’s, crushed med school and got a surgical residency.
They helped me so much I knew I had to share them with everyone.
It doesn't matter if you want to get into a specific college, law school, engineering school or med school, these study hacks are applicable to anyone that is having a difficult time trying to focus, concentrate and stay motivated to study (and just like me, YOU KNOW there must be a better way!)
If you are a graduate student like in engineering, business, law or medical school these study hacks are most likely NOT for you. They are also not for someone who wants a "quick study tricks", and those students who want to continue "cramming" for tests forever. (My study hacks actually teach you to turn your brain into a study-craving machine....yes you'll actually look forward to studying.)